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Pictures associated with chick flick and action genres

Genre of this picture: Chick flick
Connotations: There's make up on the tissue suggesting it's something to do with a girl/girls. Most teenage girls like wearing make up. The bar of soap represents cleanliness, most teenage girls are conscious about personal hygiene and would probably use it to scrub off any unwanted make up and/or wash their hands. You may find these items in a bathroom setting which these were found in (edge of basin is in the picture). Majority of teenage girls do spend lengthy amounts of time in the bathroom mainly looking in the mirror to apply make up, do their hair etc.
Colours: The lipstick stain on the tissue is pink, pink is quite a girly colour. The tissue and the bar of soap are white which represents youth, possibly innocence depending on whether the girl is good or bad.

Genre of this picture: Action
Connotations: The car in the picture represents an action car racing film. The car is quite prominent in the photo, when you look at it it's in your face and looks quite intimidating. The building in the back makes it seem more action packed as most car racing films are set near a block of flats or near lots of tall buildings, not normally in the middle of the countryside.
Colours: The stripes on the car makes it look like a sports car, and the blue paint on the car suggests it is quite a masculine film.